This year is predicted to be “a big one” in terms of hurricane activity! Just to get you started on your preparations, here’s a quick checklist of supplies. This is the simplest way to prepare in advance.
Your storm kit should always have the following! Get these ready early, and consider giving one of the personal supply kits to each employee. Be sure to use sealed, waterproof boxes. You should make two or three kits and send them home with different managers. extension cords, small desk lamps, and spare bulbs. Manual phones that require no power to operate, duct tape, water, granola bars, and snack foods. More items are wet wipes, Gas/Fuel for generators, batteries (AA, AAA, C, and D’s), bug spray, flashlights, candles, and matches as well as lighters, lanterns, oil sunscreen, Fix a Flat, and any alternate supply source!
Fire extinguisher, Coolers for ice, etc. Fans, Antibacterial cleaning wipes, and an old towel or two, A list with everyone’s contact information, laminated, and a phone tree. If the storm is bad enough that any of your employees are homeless or affected in a big way – you’ll need everyday personal supplies like: Sundries (shampoo, cream rinse, soap, razor’s, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hair brushes, shaving cream, lotion, & deodorant, sunscreen, bug spray) Personal feminine hygiene products Handi-wipes; any kind of clean up cloths in packaging i.e. pamper or huggie wipes. Hand sterilizer products are another very important thing to ensure you have to prepare yourself. Due to the stress, you will need Mylanta, Pepto, Imodium, Alka Seltzer, Aspirin, Tylenol, etc. Paper products such as toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, plastic glasses, plastic ware, tissues.
Food items that are useful: Dinners in a can like stew, thick soups, chow mein – and a can opener! Other canned goods, crackers, and breakfast type foods such as breakfast bars for example. Drinks and beverages such as water, soda, instant tea, coffee. Sweets like small pre-packaged cookies, twinkies, graham crackers, raisins etc. Packaged chips, pretzels, nuts and snacks peanut butter and jelly.
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