Thanksgiving Waiver

While this is intended as fun and games you may actually have exclusions on your homeowners or renters policy that you are not aware of. Please give a call to discuss ways to properly protect yourself against Uncle Ralph when…
While this is intended as fun and games you may actually have exclusions on your homeowners or renters policy that you are not aware of. Please give a call to discuss ways to properly protect yourself against Uncle Ralph when…
The catchy phrase “spring ahead” signals change for Americans. It’s a reminder to move clocks ahead one hour for daylight savings time. And it’s an optimistic forecast that warmer and sunnier weeks are ahead. With these seasonal changes, millions take…
According to, The Lee County Value Adjustment Board has ruled against Charles and Barbara Parsons, upholding the Lee County Property Appraiser’s decision to remove the homestead exemption at the upscale riverfront home the couple had been renting out. Read…
Your family is forced to stay home due to the big storm hovering over the house. The comforting sounds and bright screen of your 52” LCD television eclipses the noise from outside. Then it happens: Just as you’re about to…
Chances are you are a Facebook user, we are too. But we know there are other social media websites. We are excited to now be connected on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube and of course we are still on Facebook.…
Check your hurricane IQ with our pop quiz True or False?: • Tape windows or cover them with solar film to prevent damage during a tropical storm or hurricane. • Only protect or board up windows and doors facing the…
A “Four Point Inspection” focuses only on four main areas of interest in a home: • HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) • Electrical wiring and panels • Plumbing connections and fixtures • Roof The inspection and report describes the…
Did you know that over 50 percent of claims involve water damage? Some examples include pipe, supply line, and appliance failures, as well as roof or window leaks. It is very important that any damage caused by water is addressed…
I was recently asked this question by one of our Lee County Insurance clients, and thought I would share the answer here for our readers. There are a lot of things that go into homeowners and auto insurance rates, one…
When zombies, Snookies, and Lady Gagas storm your front door this weekend, don’t fear! Your homeowners insurance will protect you from Halloween mishaps. Halloween is all fun and games until a trick-or-treater trips, knocks over your jack-o-lantern, and sets your…